Edgardo CORBELLI (Turin, 1918 – 1989)

From the traditional composition of the 1930s, the painting of Corbelli leads to technical and expressive results dominated by an impetuous sign assimilated, among others, by Oskar Kokoschka at the Academy in Salzburg in 1958. This evolution comes to an expressionist language highly communicative that characterizes its landscapes, portraits and nudes. Numerous prestigious exhibitions in Italy and abroad, such as:

1966 “Piemonte ’66 – Tendences d’Art Contemporain”, at the Centre International de Perfectionnement Professionnel et Technique of Turin
1969 he exposes at the National Museum of Prague
1978 exhibition at the Auditorium Santa Chiara, under the aegis of the City of Vercelli
1979 exhibition at the Musée Château de l’Empéri di Salon de Provence, France
1982 several exhibitions abroad: Musée Collégiale Saint Pierre le Puellier, organised by the Institut d’Arts Visuels of Orléans; Galérie de la Poste, Paris; Galérie de la Poste, Pont Aven, France
1983 exhibition and presentation of the monograph Edgardo Corbelli. Cinquant’anni di pittura (Edgardo Corbelli. Fifty years of painting), with critical essays by Giovanni Arpino, Ernesto Caballo, Angelo Mistrangelo and Bernard Toussaint, Pirra Art Gallery, Turin
1984 exhibition in the ancient castle of Rapallo (Ligurian Riviera), under the aegis of the City
1985 exhibition at the Galérie Vence, Cité des Arts, Vence, France
1988 exhibition “Pittori e scultori da Torino a Volgograd” (Painters and Sculptors from Turin to Volgograd), Volgograd, Russia
1991 “Edgardo Corbelli, 1918-1989”, Piemonte Artistico e Culturale of Turin and D’Oria Palace of Ciriè, under the aegis of Regione Piemonte and of the City of Ciriè; “Luoghi, persone, memorie nei disegni di Edgardo Corbelli” (Places, people, memories in the drawings of Edgardo Corbelli), Pirra Art Gallery, Turin
1992 Villareal Gallery, Nizza, France
1999 Galerie Weise, Chemnitz – Germany
2001 “Le donne di Edgardo Corbelli” (The Women of Edgardo Corbelli) – Città di Fossano (CN)
2005 “Edgardo Corbelli. Un grande maestro espressionista” (A great Expressionist Painter), Pirra Art Gallery, Turin
2009 “A 20 anni dalla scomparsa, Edgardo Corbelli contemporaneo” (20 years after his death, Edgardo Corbelli contemporary), Pirra Art Gallery, Turin
2011 “Edgardo Corbelli. La pittura in evoluzione, 1918-1989” (Painting in evolution), Palazzo Salmatoris, Cherasco (CN), under the aegis of Regione Piemonte, of Provincia of Cuneo and of the City of Cherasco (CN)
2019 “Edgardo Corbelli. Espressione del Novecento, 1918-1989”, Palazzo Lomellini, Carmagnola (TO), Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Carmagnola

Orléans, France, Musée Collégiale Saint Pierre le Puellier
Salon de Provence, France, Musée Château de l’Empéri
Volgograd, Russia, Fine Arts Museum

Works by Edgardo Corbelli are permanently dealt by the Pirra Art Gallery and are published in coloured monographs edited by the Gallery.